Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I've made it!

We came into Utah on Sunday afternoon, and I promptly started work on Monday. Everyone has warned me over and over again about traffic, so I have left extra prepared. However, I just end up at work early. So in the few minutes before my actual shift starts, I just thought I would let everyone know that we are here. Of course, Arwin is still in New York, which is not the happiest thing, but he seems to be doing okay. My new office is very nice. In Utah they have more space to create office buildings I guess. It is exciting to have my own office, my own computer, my own secretary, etc. Makes me feel very grown up.
The rest of the drive was uneventful, except for the fact that I HATE WYOMING!!!! I am sorry if I offend anyone who lives there. Jackson Hole is nice, but driving through Wyoming is awful. I did not enjoy it at all. I think it is the acne of mother nature. Just a personal opinion.
Well, hopefully after I get settled I will be able to write something more exciting.


JD said...

I find Wyoming to be very adventurous, particularly after the lull of crossing Nebraska. And there is something enjoyable about the Little America Oasis and $0.39 ice cream cones.

Maren said...

you are crazy. To me, Wyoming is nothing but the lone and dreary world. I guess people have the right to love it.